Pros & Cons Young Adults in the Skilled Trades

Skilled Trade Benefits for Young Adults

Today, we delve into the vibrant world of blue-collar industries. What are the skilled trade benefits, pros & cons?. I (Austin)share my personal journey into the construction realm, starting as a 19-year-old in the power line clearance tree trimming industry and eventually becoming a journeyman lineman at 23. Let’s explore the highs, the lows, and the invaluable lessons learned as a young adult in the skilled trades.

Embracing the Blue Collar Journey

Upon high school graduation, my journey began as an 18-year-old welder in a fabrication shop. While initially involved in basic tasks, it laid the foundation for what would become a diverse and rewarding career in the blue-collar sector.

At 19, I transitioned to power line clearance tree trimming, where the work was more physically demanding but equally engaging. Working alongside a supportive group eased the transition into the hands-on intricacies of the trade. Yet, it wasn’t until the lineman apprenticeship at 20 that I truly discovered the hardcore nature of this niche trade.

The Realities of the Lineman Trade

The lineman trade, renowned for its toughness, presented challenges that caught me off guard. Dealing with constant smack talk, hazing, and physically demanding tasks became a daily routine. As a young adult, adapting to this unique environment was a steep learning curve, testing both mental and physical resilience.

Pros and Cons of Being a Young Adult in Blue Collar

Despite the challenges, the advantages of being a young adult in the blue-collar world are substantial. Physical strength, agility, and a keen ability to learn quickly set young workers apart. The ability to adapt to technological advancements further enhances their value, bridging the generation gap on the job site.

Building a Foundation for the Future

Choosing a trade you enjoy in your youth sets the stage for a fulfilling career. Whether it’s linework, plumbing, or welding, gaining experience in your early twenties provides a solid foundation. This experience becomes a valuable asset, allowing flexibility to explore different paths if needed.

In The End

In retrospect, the initial years in the blue-collar industry were challenging but ultimately transformative. As a young adult, enduring the initial hurdles, whether it be the physical demands or the banter from seasoned workers, contributes to personal growth and builds lasting confidence.

Being a young adult in the blue-collar world is definitely worth the journey. The skilled trade benefits are worth it! The unique challenges foster resilience, and the skills acquired set the stage for a rewarding and enduring career. While it may not be easy, the investment in personal and professional growth is immeasurable. So, young adults, embrace the challenges, build your skills, and become a valuable asset in the world of blue collar skilled trades!

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