Lineman Career Guide: Become a Lineman



Become a lineman. You know it, I know it, we ALL know it… it is one of the most satisfying, rewarding & bad a$$ jobs out there! A 6 figure income, awesome health benefits, double retirement, job security, being ESSENTIAL and being part of a brotherhood that tops every other trade out there. Those are just a few rewarding aspects of this job. No college degree/loans, doing the coolest work, traveling and seeing this country, getting paid well to do so while being an essential person to your community and the communities around the country! 

Why haven’t you taken that step into this career path yet? What is stopping you from becoming part of trade so essential? Are you satisfied with your dead-end, boring job that gets you nowhere? Probably not… learn with this lineman career guide below!

Taking the first step

I know from personal experience; that the first step into something so new and unfamiliar is scary. But it’s just like jumping into a cold pool. Of course, at first it’s cold, but as you start to swim around you get warmed up and use to the cold water. Jumping into a new career path isn’t much different. It’s EXCITING! The opportunities and experiences you’ll gain from jumping into this new career are frankly next to no other. Get your lineman career guide here.

I’m not here to tell you what to do. But I am here to help you. Once you realized you want a career change, make more money, be part of a brotherhood, be ESSENTIAL (especially in these times) be able to support your family, and not have to live paycheck to paycheck… YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET STARTED! 

GET Started Here


I have created a video and a free 6-STEP GUIDE to becoming a lineman. This is your lineman career guide. I share my story, hoping I can teach you and you can relate to my experiences and learn from my mistakes. CHECK OUT THE FREE VIDEO AND GUIDE 

Learn more about the lineman trade here.


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