Learn To Tie These 3 Hitches

Three hitches, that are good to know!

1. Munter Hitch -A type of knot that is commonly used in rock climbing and other outdoor activities. It is a simple, yet highly effective knot that can be used to belay a climber. The knot consists of a loop that is passed through a carabiner and then wrapped around the rope. The Munter Hitch allows the belayer to easily control the rope as the climber ascends and descends. This knot is known for its ability to provide a high degree of friction, which helps to slow down or stop a fall if necessary. It is a popular choice among climbers due to its simplicity, reliability and versatility. 

2. Clove Hitch -A type of knot that is commonly used by campers, climbers, and sailors. It is a simple yet versatile knot that can be used to attach a rope or line to a tree, post, or other object. The clove hitch is also known for its ability to grip tightly, making it an ideal knot for securing heavy objects. The clove hitch is useful for a variety of outdoor activities, and is an essential knot for anyone who spends time in the great outdoors.

3. Girth/Cow Hitch -A girth hitch is a simple and versatile knot used to attach a rope or a sling to an anchor point such as a tree, a rock, or a carabiner.The girth hitch creates a secure attachment point that can be adjusted to fit the size of the anchor. It is commonly used in outdoor activities such as rock climbing, mountaineering, and camping, as well as in rescue and industrial settings. The girth hitch is also known as a larks head knot or a cow hitch, and it is considered a simple and reliable knot that can be tied quickly and easily.

Each one is typically used in a different situation. They all have their own purposes! Learn & watch here 👇🏼

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