College Degree OR Blue Collar Career?

Blue Collar Career Opportunity


Hello, and welcome to episode one of CTQ, which stands for “Cruise the Questions.” I’m Austin, a journeyman lineman since 2017, and today, I’m here to answer your blue collar career questions.

For those who don’t know me, I completed the Northwest Lineman Apprenticeship from 2017 to 2020. Before becoming a lineman, I worked in welding and powerline tree trimming. With almost 10 years of experience in the blue collar world, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and help you navigate your career path. Expect to learn these things:

  • Is college a waste of your time and money?
  • Should you pursue a blue collar career?
  • Do you need your Class A CDL to become a groundman?

Ask Your Blue Collar Career Questions

I receive a lot of questions via DMs on Instagram, comments on YouTube and TikTok, and emails. If you have questions about starting or advancing in a blue collar career, feel free to leave a comment below or email me at

Question 1: Should I Pursue a Blue Collar Career?

Spencer’s Dilemma

“I’ve been at university for a few years but not making much progress and the careers im interested in may not exist due to ai. Plus, university isnt required for them, just skill (they are art portfolio related)

Trying to decide – should i pursue a trade instead? Will i have time to pursue hobbies before im middle aged and stuck?”

My Advice

Spencer, if university isn’t fulfilling and you’re looking for purpose, a blue collar career might be a great fit. Here’s why:

  • Job Satisfaction: Many blue collar careers offer the satisfaction of tangible results and community contribution.
  • Financial Stability: Trades often provide good pay and job security.
  • Career Flexibility: Even if you start in one trade, there are many paths within the blue collar world.
Time for Hobbies

Yes, you will have time for hobbies! During my apprenticeship, I balanced work with dirt biking, fishing, and hunting. Apprenticeships usually last 3-4 years. If you start in your early 20s, you’ll be in your mid-20s when you finish, with plenty of time for hobbies.

Exploring Different Trades

Consider what you enjoy and your background. Trades like welding, plumbing, electrical work, and ironworking offer diverse opportunities. To find the best fit, take our trade quiz at Blue Collar Edu/Trade Quiz

Question 2: Do I Need a CDL to Be a Groundman?

Jake’s Inquiry

“Hey man im just curious if you need your cdl to be a ground man or can you enter as a ground man and work on getting it then ?”

Jake asked if a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) is required to become a groundman in the lineman trade. While you don’t absolutely need a CDL to start as a groundman, having one significantly improves your chances of getting hired. Most employers prefer candidates with a Class A CDL because it’s essential for driving large trucks and equipment.

Steps to Getting a CDL
  • Training Programs: Some trucking companies offer paid training for a CDL in exchange for working with them temporarily.
  • Utility Companies: Many utilities hire groundmen without a CDL but give them a timeframe to obtain it after hiring. 

Learn more about getting your CDL HERE

Importance of a CDL

A CDL is crucial for advancing in the lineman trade. It’s often required for apprenticeships and journeyman positions. Thinking you can get into the lineman trade without it, is a false way of thinking. First step, get your Class A CDL.


Pursuing a blue collar career can offer you purpose, satisfaction, and financial stability. If university isn’t meeting your expectations, consider a trade. Remember, it’s never too late to start, and you’ll still have time for hobbies. For those interested in the lineman trade, obtaining a CDL is a key step.

Thank you for joining me in this first episode of CTQ. Keep sending in your blue collar career questions, and I’ll continue to provide answers and support.

Learn more on our Youtube. Watch & learn HERE

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