Tools Of The Lineman Trade

What Tools Do You Need

Lineman tools, there are many, MANY tools in the lineman trade. Starting out as a groundman, you really only need to invest in hand tools. A flathead screwdriver, channellocks, folding ruler, Kleins, crescent wrench, hammer, skinning knife, lull wrench and a 4 in 1 bug wrench! These are the essential hand tools you should invest in for just getting started. You can pick most of these tools up from your local hardware store or click on the tool below. It will re-direct you to lineman owned website where you can buy & support a blue collar owned business! 

Use Code FW4LCA on Farwest orders for a discount. Use code GOTGEAR on Linemen’s Supply Inc for a discount on Buckingham gear. 

Purchase Our "Groundman" Tool Kit Here

Hand Tools

Extra Tools

If you have some extra money & you want to invest in some more tools, hear a some more great ones to have getting started of even once you’re in it! These are great tools to add your groundman bag or to have with you in the bucket or on the pole!

What About Climbing Gear?

Do you  seriously want to get into the lineman trade? You will need to invest in climbing gear. This will be the most expensive part when it comes to buying tools & gear. Regardless, if you truly want to get into the trade, you will need climbing gear. A belt, Ditty bag and hand tool holster. The oval tool bucket is for your hand tools on the ground!


Wood Climbing/Fall Protection

These are your climbing gaffs, pads, primary climbing belt, secondary belt and gaff guards. The climbing belt or skid, is the fall protection necessary to climb a wood pole.These items go hand and hand with your climbing belt, ditty bag & tool holster! These are essential for actually climbing a wood pole! 

If you want to see how the climbing gear works, check out these videos to learn more HERE & HERE

Climbing Tools