Learn To Tie A Crown/Back Splice!

Learn To Tie A Crown/Back Splice

A crown/back splice is a knotting technique used to secure and finish the end of a rope by weaving its strands back into the rope’s core. This strengthens the rope’s end and prevents unraveling. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide to tying a back splice:

Materials Needed:

  • Rope
  • Sharp knife or rope cutter
  • Measuring tape (optional)
  • Tape (optional)


  1. Prepare the Rope:

    • Determine how much of the rope you want to splice and mark this length. A common guideline is 6 times the rope’s diameter.
    • Tape or tie the rope’s end to prevent fraying.
  2. Unlay the Rope:

    • Unlay (untwist) the marked portion of the rope by separating it into its individual strands.
  3. Twist Strands:

    • Twist each of the separated strands individually in the same direction as the original twist of the rope. This prevents the strands from fraying.
  4. Start Weaving:

    • Take the first strand and weave it under the adjacent strand and over the following strand. Ensure the weave is tight and snug.
  5. Continue Weaving:

    • Repeat the weaving process with each successive strand. Each strand should go under one and over the next.
  6. Complete the Weave:

    • Once all strands have been woven, continue the pattern for a few more weaves to ensure a secure finish.
  7. Trim Excess:

    • Trim any remaining strand ends that stick out.
  8. Tighten the Splice:

    • Gently tighten the woven section to ensure it’s snug and well-integrated.
  9. Optional: Heat Seal Ends

    • If you’re working with synthetic rope, you can use heat to melt the ends slightly, preventing fraying.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and the process may vary based on rope thickness and material. Regularly check the strength of your back splice before relying on it for critical applications. 

You can learn to tie the Eye Splice HERE.

Learn to tie a crown/back splice  HERE 👇🏼

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