3 Emergency Action Steps To Save A Life!

Here are 3 emergency action steps to save a life!


1. Ensure Personal Safety:

  • First and foremost, prioritize your own safety and the safety of others present.
  • Move to a safe location, away from immediate danger, such as fire, collapsing structures, or hazardous materials.
  • If applicable, use personal protective equipment (PPE) like gloves, masks, or helmets.

2. Contact Emergency Services:

  • Call the appropriate emergency services based on the situation. In most cases, this would be the local emergency number (such as 911 in the United States).
  • Provide clear and concise information about the nature of the emergency, your location, and any other relevant details.
  • Follow any instructions given by the emergency dispatcher.

3. Render Basic First Aid:

  • If someone is injured, provide basic first aid if you have the knowledge and resources. This might include stopping bleeding, applying CPR (if trained), or helping someone stay calm and comfortable.
  • If there’s a fire, use fire extinguishers if you’re trained to do so and the fire is small and manageable. Otherwise, evacuate immediately.
  • If the emergency involves a hazardous material spill, keep a safe distance and avoid inhaling fumes or touching the substance. Follow any evacuation or shelter-in-place instructions from authorities.


These are the basics steps to helping someone in an emergency situation. If you feel comfortable taking these steps. 3 emergency action steps to save a life. 

  1. Check: CHECK the scene and the person. Your safety comes first.
  2. Call : CALL 9-1-1 or the local emergency number number to activate.
  3. Care : CARE for the  person.

Follow this guide and watch the video BELOW to learn more on how these 3 emergency actions steps to save a life. 

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